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 When I started sketch with a variety of objects, my first goal was to achieve some extreme degree of speed. I arranged objects in an upward, exaggerated direction, trying to make them move as fast as possible visually. 

The Charcoal sketches both elongated and expanded the key form of the composition. It helps to find, and exaggerate the gesture of the piece.

A more defined, clear form sketch, constructed with dominate volume and plane, sub-dominate line, suborbinate planes.  It obtains a sense of continuity as it was falling in a curvature. 

While constructing the shape, I experimented with plaster, and cast thin layers and  shapes to create volume, an effect like "Shell".

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     The final piece is constructed with planar plaster pieces and create volume as they fall in different levels. They are combined in a general gesture, but creates continuing gradation.  Each piece is textural, as if they are remaining broken pieces from a planet and  grouped together as traveling in space. I chose Prospect Park in Brooklyn as the location for my design. It provides much emptiness, as a natural habitat in a crowned metropolitan. Such emptiness gives people space to breath, also embrace the sculptural quality of this fountain. 

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